How To: Install RASP
Paste Automation profile to C: Drive
Copy name of file (minus the .tlp)
Edit rasp.bat file on C: Drive, highlight “EXAMPLE” and paste.
Save and close.
Open Automation TLP from C: Drive.
Paste automation name in “Username”.
Password: crApu4un
Login: Accept and Save (also click ‘Save Profile’ in left column)
Open New SFTP Window
Open SSH Folder on right side
Right click – download ‘id_rsa’ to desktop.
Close window.
Click “User keypair manager”
Click import ‘id_rsa’ file from desktop, close.
Change “Initial Method” to ‘publickey – slot 1’
Logout, then login again. (also click ‘Save Profile’ in left column)
Remember to add Human profile to your Iron Key!